Page 8 - Holyland Magazine - 2020 Edition
P. 8
The Roman bridge on the Jordan River from the
1st century, near Kibbutz Gesher
Bridge of covenant
Fulfillment of God's pr omise in the Land of Israel – Gesher (Bridge)
By Omer Eshel
esher, a small Kibbutz near the Sea then 48 hours by the shear might of the well the battle, there were three bridges on the
of Galilee and overlooking the Jordan equipped Arab armies. Jordan river near the Kibbutz that were blown
River, is one of the most important by the Jewish forces to prevent and hold off the
crossing places of the region, for this But God had a different plan. Early morning Arab armies from the east to cross the Jordan
GSmall Kibbutz witnessed the everlasting of May 15: ALARM!! ALARM!! We are under River.
promise of God. attack! All fighters to arms! – cried the guard at One of the bridges was a Roman bridge that
the old British police fort in Gesher.
May 15, 1948, a day after the historical was there during the 1st century AD and which
establishment of the State of Israel, seven Arab Just two days before the battle, the British was probably used by Jesus and the people of
armies launched a cohesive attack against the forces had left their posts leaving the Jews to the Galilee and the Decapolis around the first
Jewish villages. The armies of Iraq, Jordan, their faith. Civilians where to face the Arab legion half of the 1st century. "Large crowds from
Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Saudi Arabia and local and the Iraqi army. Galilee, the Decapolis, Jerusalem, Judea and
Arab militias, had combined their forces to A huge pillar of dust was rising from the east, the region across the Jordan followed him."
crush the Jewish state. made by the Iraqi tanks and armed vehicles Matthew 4:25.
Reports of the British intelligence stated that that made their way across the desert to kill and At day break, the Iraqi army launched a massive
the newly born state will be destroyed in less destroy the State of Israel. A few weeks before artillery attack, followed by airstrikes against the