Page 32 - Holyland Magazine - 2022 Edition
P. 32

Avdat National Park.
                                                                                                     Photo: Ron Peled

           novel technology designed to produce   preserved in the new structure. I request   for the Nabatean caravans that traveled the
           energy without burning fossil fuels that are   that after my death, my home, including the   ancient trade routes across the Negev en
           harmful to our environment.        library and the items that it holds, be made   route to the Gaza port. The Nabateans were a
                                              accessible to the public."          tribe of Arab origin who dominated the incense
           Our next stop is  Sde Boker, located just                              trade  (especially  myrrh  and  frankincense)
           south of the research center. This was the   And indeed, David Ben-Gurion home   in the ancient world for hundreds of years,
           home of Ben-Gurion, the first Prime Minister   remains  precisely  as  he  left  it,  offering  a   from  the  Hellenistic  period  (4th  century  BC)
           of Israel, who chose to join the young,   wonderful  opportunity  to  see  how  the  first   until the end of the Byzantine era (7th century
           pioneering kibbutz in 1953. Sde Boker was   Prime  Minister  of  Israel  lived,  and  to  learn   AD).  These  valuable  spices  were  carried  on
           founded  by young,  idealistic  shepherds in   about Israeli and kibbutz culture during the   camels' backs in convoys that made their
           1952. Ben-Gurion embraced and admired   early decades of Israel's existence. Other   way through the desert from South Arabia to
           these young pioneers who settled in the   interactive exhibitions were constructed   the ports of the Mediterranean Sea, towards
           desert. He decided to realize his own dream   around the hut, which demonstrate Ben-  their final destination in the pagan temples of
           by moving to this kibbutz in the Negev to live   Gurion's vision of inhabiting the desert and   the  Mediterranean  region  (Greece,  Anatolia,
           alongside the people he admired so deeply.   tell the moving story of the establishment   Rome, and other ancient kingdoms that used
           He lived in a simple, modest home in Sde   of Sde Boker, a kibbutz that contributed   incense for pagan worship).
           Boker  with  his  wife  during  the  first  years   significantly  to  future  settlements  in  the
           following the establishment of the state. After   Negev region. Ben-Gurion's last will  and   Important trade centers appeared alongside
           their death, this humble home was converted   testament continues as follows, "I ask to   these ancient trade routes, some of which
           into an interactive museum that allows   be brought for interment in the burial plot at   developed  into  flourishing  cities.  When  the
           visitors and guests to experience, first-hand,   Midreshet  Sde  Boker,  alongside  the  grave   Roman Empire converted to Christianity in
           the challenges faced by the first pioneers to   of Paula, of blessed memory. I ask that no   the early 4th century AD, the pagan temples
           settle in the Negev. Ben-Gurion moved to the   eulogies be delivered at the funeral or at my   were  destroyed  and  magnificent  churches
           Negev in 1953. He made the decision while   grave, nor that any gun salute be sounded."  were built in the heart of the desert in their
           serving  as  Prime  Minister  and  resigned  in                        place. These churches, some of which are
           order to become a full member of his beloved   Due to his unique request, Ben-Gurion   considered the most ancient ones to have
           kibbutz. Ben-Gurion settled in Sde Boker at   was not buried with Israel's great leaders   remained intact until  this very  day, can  be
           age 67, after dedicating his life to establishing   on  Mount  Herzl.  Instead,  he  was  laid  to   seen here in the desert, serving as a moving
           the State of Israel and shaping Israeli society.   rest alongside his wife amid the desert   testimony to the birth of Christianity in the
           He was quoted as saying, "Not everyone who   landscape, overlooking the biblical Zin   Holy Land and in the entire world.
           is insane came to Sde Boker, but there is no   River.  Ben-Gurion's burial site  offers
           doubt that anyone who came to Sde Boker   a breathtaking view of the Israeli desert,   Saying a short prayer or taking communion
           must be insane."                   which sprawls over more than 60% of the   in one of these ancient churches can be
                                              total area of the modern state. This barren   one of the most moving experiences for an
           Ben-Gurion lived in Sde Boker for 20 years.   desert  receives less  than  100 mm  of rain   Evangelical Christian visiting the Holy Land.
           During that time he resumed his role as   per year, but has nevertheless become a   These magnificent churches can be found in
           Prime Minister, but still remained a member   rare residential, industrial, agricultural and   various ancient Nabatean cities throughout
           of the kibbutz and maintained close contact   tourism accomplishment.  the Negev, including Avdat, Shivat, Mamshit,
           with the community during those eight years                            Halasa and Nitzana. The ancient biblical
           in office (1955-1963). Before his death, Ben-  Our tour continues from Sde Boker to a   desert retains its primeval appeal and awaits
           Gurion left the following legacy, "I ask that   fascinating, ancient Christian heritage site,   the visitors who choose to tour its inviting
           the structure that was my home in Sde Boker   which takes visitors back in time to the early   trails and wonders.
           until my dying day be preserved in its current   days of Christianity, as it took its first steps
           form, including the furniture, books and   within the desert landscapes among the   For more information about Negev tourism
           manuscripts  it holds. The furniture, books,   people of the Negev. We will now visit Avdat   opportunities, see
           manuscripts and other items in the hut may   National Park, a site so special and unique
           be removed to a permanent structure, if a   that it was added to the UNESCO World
           structure of this kind is constructed near   Heritage List. Avdat was first constructed in   The author is a historian and tour guide, specializing
           the hut, provided that the original style is   the 3rd century BC as a modest way station   in desert tourism.

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