Page 10 - Holyland Magazine - 2019 Edition
P. 10
Coffee Anan cafe. Photos: Amit Shaal
To the left (north) is arguably one of the most for more than 35 years, but in Hebrew anan the IDF, keeping the Syrian border secure.
glorious views in Israel, Mount Hermon, over means “cloud,” - a presence at Mount Bental Only Mount Bental is open to the public and
7,000 feet high and covered in snow from in winter which gives the site a decidedly as such has the honor of being Israel’s only
November to March. South of “the Sheikh,” alpine flavor. volcanic geological park. On the way up the
as Mount Hermon is called in Druze folklore, mountain are signs explaining how the lava
you can see the mountains of Lebanon over There is also a gift shop with a great selection that poured out here eons ago created not
the western border and the Hula Valley to of locally produced foods such as teas and only the excellent soil that is such a boon to
the south. Just below you is Kibbutz Merom jams, and in season the famous cherries and farmers, but a clear pattern in the rock that
Golan, the first community to be established apples of the Golan. One of the shop’s special is almost as good as a guidebook to another
in the Golan Heights after the Six Day War. offerings is a line of hats, ponchos and baby of Israel’s unexpected geological wonders.
Like many of Israel’s famed kibbutzim, Merom blankets made by Kibbutz Merom Golan
Golan has recently undergone privatization; member Drorit Kaufman. A former teacher of Visitors to Mount Bental may arrive by tour
its members now pursue independent fashion and crafts, she found herself having to bus or car. However, a different experience
livelihoods while preserving the collective’s seek both an outlet for her creative energies is taking a guided jeep ride from the kibbutz
social framework. and a new way of making a living after the below, passing the minefields and old Syrian
kibbutz cut back its education budget. Don’t bunkers to the outskirts of Quneitra. Driving
If you ever get enough of the view, step into miss her veritable rainbow of wearable items through the orchards you can get a glimpse
the log-cabin Coffee Anan cafe. Hebrew made from very soft artificial fleece produced not only of the military presence, but also
speakers enjoy the pun in this name – not in Japan out of recycled plastic bottles. of gazelles, wild boar, foxes and jackals
only is it a nod to former UN chief Kofi Annan, crossing the basalt fields, and if you look up,
whose organization has sent a steady stream Although the Golan Heights have several you may just see one of the many eagles
of cease-fire observers to the camp below extinct volcanoes, they are all occupied by soaring through the sky.
The bunker on the mountain The bunker on Signs for Sculpture created by Joop De Jong
the mountain places in
Israel and
around the