Page 6 - Holyland Magazine - 2019 Edition
P. 6
The Mosaic Project of the Cardo
A modest sign, concealed beneath the main mass refugee immigration from the northern The Herodian Quarter
street of the Jewish Quarter, leads to an kingdom – Israel, which was destroyed by
impressive and magnificent private house Assyrian conquests. The architectural design of the city followed
from the Second Temple period belonging that of the Roman city, Aelia Capitolina,
to the Katros family. Many artifacts that date The prophet Isaiah admonished King established by the emperor Hadrian in the
back to the tragic fall of the Quarter at the Hezekiah about the repercussions of this 2nd century AD. In those days, the main
hands of the Roman army were found in the plan, causing the destruction of private urban center of Jerusalem consisted of two
house, buried entirely under a large layer of homes in Jerusalem for the sake of the cardo streets that led from Damascus gate
ash. The site offers an exciting presentation, new wall meant to protect the city. Thus southward. One led to the Temple Mount
highlighting the various findings from the the prophet proclaimed: “You will count the and the other led straight to Mount Zion in
excavations and fascinating information about houses in Jerusalem; you will tear down the South.
the last days of the Roman siege in 70 BC. those houses in order to fortify the wall.”
The mosaic project of the cardo, made by
Herodian Quarter The remains of this wall were discovered the company for the reconstruction and
in the heart of the Jewish Quarter, and the development of the Jewish Quarter, includes
In the heart of the Jewish Quarter, on the excavations carried out there confirmed a model of the Madaba map, the most
western hill facing the ancient Temple Mount, Isaiah’s proclamation. Beneath the wall ancient map of Israel known to the world.
are houses that belonged to the priests and are private homes from the days of King
nobility of Jerusalem. Beneath the modern, Hezekiah, destroyed during the hasty Today, you can walk leisurely on these
residential housing of the Jewish Quarter, an construction of the wall. Today, in the heart of impressive streets that pass through the
ancient suburb of affluent homes, that once the Jewish Quarter, every visitor is invited to heart of the Jewish Quarter and enjoy the
covered the western hill during the Second enjoy an authentic and spectacular remnant atmosphere of an ancient marketplace
Temple period, awaits you. A tour of this of the legend that indicates the historic validity bustling in Jerusalem during the Byzantine
impressive site will guide us through the of the biblical story. and Roman era.
houses of Jerusalem’s nobility at the height
of the city’s glory. The Byzantine Cardo Street and
the Ancient Madaba Map
The Broad Wall
During the Byzantine era (324-628 AD),
In preparation for the revolt of Judah against Jerusalem was built into a magnificent city
the Assyrians, King Hezekiah planned two surrounded by a wall, towers and gates.
significant national projects. The central plan Wide streets paved with stone led to
was to clog the Gihon spring and divert its churches located in the heart of the city.
stream westwards and southwards to the The commercial center teemed with life, and
Shiloam Pool. The second plan included tourists arrived from all around the world to
building a new wall around Jerusalem, witness, first hand, the places where Jesus
which grew tremendously as a result of the and his Apostles operated in the holy land.