Page 18 - Holyland Magazine - 2020 Edition
P. 18


                 Three Thousand Years of History in One Remarkable Site

           By Nick Mancino

               cratch the surface anywhere in Israel,   limestone that is so familiar to visitors to the   Babylon where he was blinded and eventually
               and you are apt to find level upon level of   city, this large quarry was developed over a   killed, but only after seeing his sons killed
               history – from the dawn of time, through   period of several thousand years, a remnant of   before him. At one of the deepest parts of the
               biblical eras, perhaps past some Knights   the largest quarry in Jerusalem.  Cave, there is a constantly dripping natural
           Sin the Middle Ages, and into our own                                  spring that today is known as Zedekiah’s
           recent centuries.                  Beginning as a natural cave, formed by time   Tears, weeping not only for the death of his
                                              and erosion, once discovered, it proved to be   sons, but for the fall of Jerusalem. Zedekiah
                                              the perfect source of high quality building stone.   would be the last king of Judah.
           Just outside the walls of the Old City of   The location couldn’t be closer to Jerusalem’s
                                              building sites. Some archaeologists believe that
           Jerusalem,  not  far  from  Damascas  Gate,   the quarry was first developed for the building   Seventy years later, the Hebrew people were
           there is a simple iron door in the wall. A   of the First Temple – Solomon’s Temple, three   allowed to return home, and work began on a
           small white metal sign with green letters in   thousand years ago.     second temple. Once again the local quarries
           Hebrew, English, and Arabic tells you that this                        were put to work, supplying the workers with
           is the entrance to King Solomon’s Quarries   Biblical history (2 Kings 25) tells us that   high quality stones for its construction. The
           (Zedekiah’s Cave). This modest entrance in no   centuries  after  it  was  first  built,  Solomon’s   work was completed under the leadership
           way offers a glimpse of amazing underground   Temple  was  destroyed  by  Nebuchadnezzar   of the last three Jewish Prophets, Haggai,
           wonder that lies just beyond its portals.  II in 587 BCE, centuries after the time of the   Zechariah, and Malachi, with Persian approval
                                                                                  and financing.
           Zedekiah’s Cave is known by many other   great builder king, known for his wisdom.
                                              As the Babylonian troops marched toward
           names as well – Zedekiah’s Grotto, Suleiman’s   Jerusalem,  Judea’s  King  Zedekiah and  his   During the Second Temple Period (516 BCE
           Cave, and the Royal Caverns, and Korah’s   family made their escape.   – 70 CE) the people found themselves under
           Cave, to name a few. Each name links the                               various other ruling nations including Persia,
           site to a different period in its long history. The   Legend has it that Zedekiah hid in the caves,   Greece and Rome. It was under the rule of
           5-acre site stretches over five city blocks, deep   as he made a plan to escape to Jericho.   Herod the Great, Roman client king of Judea,
           underground, beneath the Muslim Quarter   Eventually, the Babylonian soldiers captured   that work was begun to rebuild the second
           in the Old City. Carved out of the meleke   him  and  dragged  Judea’s  last  king  off  to   temple. Geologists today have been able to

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