Page 23 - Holyland Magazine - 2020 Edition
P. 23

Museum of the Bible explor es the Bible’s historical impact on science

           story. The Bible and science share an ancient
           history. So what role did the biblical writings
           play in shaping the way people have thought
           about and studied the natural world?
           Museum of the Bible is set to explore this
           fascinating question. The biblical stories have
           long been closely intertwined with the study of
           nature. Our new exhibition will examine how
           these  writings  both  inspired  people  to  study
           nature and framed the way they understood
           their discoveries. At the same time, it examines
           how the study of nature has aided people as
           they have searched the Bible for answers to
           life’s biggest questions.
           This exhibition will necessarily take a broad
           approach to this topic. It will be divided into
           six content areas. Each will be dedicated
           to a thematic “big question” connected
           to  a  particular  field  of  study.  Section  1,  for
           example, asks: “How did it all begin?” and
           coversthe fields of astronomy and cosmology.
           This  approach  will  allow us  more room  to
           explore the Bible’s impact across time and
           traditions, bringing together a wider range of
           voices, from Augustine, to Galileo, to Einstein.
           Storytelling Partners
           To help tell this story, Museum of the Bible
           has brought together a team of  internationally
           recognized historians, scientists, and biblical
           scholars. We have also teamed up with Storyland
           Studios, an award-winning design firm based in   A statue of Galileo Galilei. Above: Amrbose's Hexameron
           Southern California with extensive experience
           creating exhibits that combine cutting-edge
           technology with captivating storytelling.   much more. We are excited to host a series   greater appreciation for the ways the Bible
                                              of conferences and public programming   stimulated and shaped the way we think
           The result will be an exhibition that is informative,   which digs deeper into topics covered in the   about the natural world. And we hope they
           entertaining,  and  memorable. Guests  will  be   exhibit.             leave with a stronger desire to learn more.
           immersed in this topic through a mix of fun
           interactives and provocative artifacts, ranging   The Bible shares a deep, dynamic, and even
           from  ancient medical devices  to material   dramatic history with the study of nature.   About Museum of the Bible
           related to the Apollo program.     A closer look at this story will reveal more   Museum of the Bible is an innovative,
                                              about  the  Bible’s  impact  and  the  contours   global, educational institution located  in
           While the exhibition will be the heart of the   of current debates. We at Museum of the   Washington, DC. Its mission is to invite all
           project, Museum of the Bible is also planning   Bible hope our guests come away with a   people to engage with the Bible.

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