Page 40 - Holyland Magazine - 2020 Edition
P. 40


          study tours

          in Israel

           A deeper understanding of God's W or d

           By Omer Eshel
             srael is considered to be one of the most   It is written in the book of Genesis (13:17): “Go,   undergoing excavations for over a century, yet
             visited tourist destinations in history, and   walk through the length and breadth of the   nothing of importance was found from the era
             since the dawn of mankind, many visitors   land, for I am giving it to you”. Walking through   in  which  Jesus  was  alive  for  the  one  simple
             and pilgrims have passed through. The   Israel, seeing the  places  where  miracles   reason – they were digging in the wrong place.
           Ibible indicates that the first biblical traveler   occurred in the footsteps of Abraham, Isaac,   Construction of the hotel’s foundation began
           in  the  land  of  Israel  was  Abraham,  with  the   Jacob, David Solomon, Isaiah and Jesus is   in 2009, where the Synagogue of Magdala
           reason for his crossing into Israel being the   nothing short of divinity.   was discovered – the very same synagogue in
           Divine Order.                      This connection is only achieved on a study   which Jesus himself taught.
           Since the age of Abraham, hundreds of millions   tour for it exposes visitors to a vast amount of   Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the
           of  people  have  traveled throughout Israel,   biblical material, linking geographical, biblical   Spirit, and news about him spread through
           with over four million tourists now entering   and archaeological contexts. By connecting   the whole countryside. [15] He was teaching
           the country annually, an incredible number   these three elements, the traveler will come
           compared to the country’s population of nine   to the conclusion, on his own, that the bible   in their synagogues, and everyone praised him
           million people.                    reads true.                         (Luke 4:14-15). As it was a synagogue which
                                                                                  was destroyed in 66 AD, and never rebuilt, we
           However, Israel is not only a tourist destination.   During one particular study tour, I was talking   can conclude that it is the synagogue used by
           It can not be compared to the French Riviera   to a traveler during visiting Magdala, located   Jesus and his disciples.
           or Cancun in Mexico. The reason for many   on the shore of the Sea of Galilee. Magdala
           journeying to Israel is that it’s the land written   was accidentally discovered during the   In my conversation with the traveler, I presented
           about in the bible, the holy land, of which there   construction of a hotel back in 2009. Next   him with archaeological findings and analyzed
           is no other.                       to it is an archaeological site which had been   the biblical text for him.

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