Page 44 - Holyland Magazine - 2020 Edition
P. 44

Taizu. Photo: Amit Giron

           A look at Israel's rejuvenated, world-renowned culinary scene                                                               A taste of all Countries

           Leoni Jesner
               ollowing a radical injection of creativity,   have risen through the ranks to spearhead   by the country’s chefs, who share an envious
               imagination and revamped cooking   a  movement  of  fusion  cuisine  across  the   ability to conjure creative, non-ostentatious,
               techniques into the country’s culinary   country, blending a trace of the past with the   yet all the while lip-smacking delicious food,
               scene,  Israel  is  finally  receiving  global   present. It’s why Israel’s repertoire of worldly   from  the  simplest  of  ingredients.  And  these
           Fapplause for its outstanding presentation   foods is ever expanding, rebranding Asian,   glistening gems are in plain sight – even the
           of world-class cuisine. Hailed as one of the   Middle Eastern, European and other cuisines,   hole in the wall hangouts and unassuming
           hottest destinations in culinary excellence,   into an entirely new category of their own;   exteriors dotting the streets and markets.
           Forbes has been so bold as to proclaim the   with no holding back.
           country’s restaurant scene may just be the                             Take Levinsky Shuk in southern Tel Aviv,
           best in world, whilst  The Independent has   Israel  is  all-embracing,  after  all,  the  country   a  market  gripping  tightly  to  its  Eastern
           reigned Tel Aviv as the ‘vegan capital of the   technically is without a cuisine to call its   European roots and old-school hustle, yet
           world’. And in the luxury dining category, six   own. ‘Israeli cuisine’ is a long debated term   slowly regentrifying to embrace tastes and
           Israeli restaurants recently attained a coveted   as the country’s local food blends traditional   flavors  from  further  afield.  Ouzeria, a lively
           World Luxury Restaurant Award.     gastronomy  and  cooking  techniques  Greek/Spanish  influenced  restaurant  on
                                              indigenous to Jews of the Disapora, to adopt   the crossroads of tatty market fronts and
                                                                                  fruit stalls, is a shining star on the restro/
           But how has a country, once crowded with   a unique style of its own. Chefs are dauntless   bar scene, melding into the character of
           falafel and shawarma stands, risen to culinary   and daring in their mission to illustrate to   Florentin’s hipster district. Alongside a dash
           fame at such an unprecedented rate?   the world that the falafel ball is not a cultural   of charm, the cuisine speaks for itself. Piping
                                              depiction of Israel’s eating culture.  hot doughy bread with vine leaves dip, fried
           A Culinary Revolution                                                  calamari with aioli, seasonal ceviche, a juicy
           For starters,  Israel’s young,  budding chefs,   Then there’s the country’s minute size,   seafood platter, minute made beef carpaccio
           inspired  by their  ancestral  heritage, exotic,   meaning fresh produce from land and sea can   and moussaka merely highlight an inventive
           far-away travels and international training,   travel distances in little time. Food is nurtured   menu dazzling with talent, taste and flair.

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