Page 46 - Holyland Magazine - 2020 Edition
P. 46
A baptism in the Jordan River Camel adventures
Ziplining in the desert
Not your
Israel The value and rewards of bringing
young people to the Holy Land
ITC's head guide,
Abraham, on tour
with a college group
magination is the beating heart of travel, This land – the Holy Land – has been preserved to their homeland after 2000 years. They can
which is why those who are young, or against all odds and invites you to come, to be inspired by what God has done in the 70
young at heart, do it so well. And there is no experience the land where Jesus lived. You short years of Israel’s statehood. And they can
place in the world that stirs the imagination can sail the waters He walked upon and make find strength and meaning for their own lives
Ilike the Holy Land! the magnificent ascent to Jerusalem, the Holy in Israel’s fight for existence and a place in the
City. You can stand where He agonized in the world.
For three decades, The Israel Tour Company Garden before His betrayal. You can walk into Unlock the secrets of the land, the people,
has carried the vision that men, women, and the tomb that could not hold Him and gaze the culture, the past through immersive travel.
young people of faith can – and should – make in amazement at the Valley of Armageddon Adventure at every turn! Crawl through a tunnel
this journey to the Holy Land, to see and feel where human history will someday come to its just as King David’s men did to secure the
for themselves the roots of their faith, the city of David, kayak the Jordan River, hike the
significance of their current life, and the reality Since this is the place on Earth where God switchbacks of Masada, swim in the Sea of
of their future destiny. played out His story, it should indeed be Galilee, or explore the fabled streets of the Old
something extraordinary and offer more to City. The adventure that is Israel will define their
Time travel becomes reality as you fly to the each person than can be imagined. And so it faith, impact their lives, and motivate and inform
does. Israel delivers on so many levels that the
a spiritual journey for the rest of their lives.
Land where you can walk in the steps of value for the dollars invested are enormous.
Moses, Joshua, David, Mary, and Jesus – the And why not let that investment maximize over Bring your young people to Israel – imagine
home of men and women we have grown to the course of a lifetime instead of only a few what God will do!
love through the pages of the Bible. It is the short years after a late-in-life pilgrimage.
place on earth where Old and New Testament The Israel Tour Company
events come to life before your eyes. Where Our young people need Israel. They can
you can touch, hear and smell the land. witness the miraculous return of God‘s people Chattanooga, Tennessee