Page 20 - Holyland Magazine - 2021 Edition
P. 20
By Aryeh Green . ְלצּור ִיְׁש ֵענּו, ְנ ַרְּנ ָנה ַליה ָוה; ָנ ִרי ָעה,א ְלכּו and honey over the course of two months, all
1 Come, let us sing joyously to the Lord; let us alone, with a 50-pound pack on my back.
Photos: Aryeh Green shout for joy to the Rock of our salvation.
It is not only a thrilling and beautiful challenge to
Continuing Holyland Magazine’s series on . ָנ ִרי ַע לֹו,ב ְנ ַקְּד ָמה ָפ ָניו ְּבתֹו ָדה; ִּב ְז ִמרֹות walk the 800-mile Israel Trail (“Shvil Yisrael” in
the Israel National Trail, I’m delighted to 2 Let us come before His presence with Hebrew); but for a religious/spiritual Jew, it is a
share a few reflections of the beginning thanksgiving, let us shout for joy to Him in transcendental experience, joining us with our
of my trek, starting out from the city of melody and song. tradition, our land, our people and history; with
Eilat, Israel’s southernmost port at the tip the ‘song’ of our heritage. And it can be so,
of the Red Sea on the border with Egypt. . ֱאֹל ִהים-ָּכל- ַעל,ג ִּכי ֵאל ָּגדֹול ְיהָוה; ּ ֶמ ֶלְך ָּגדֹול as well, for Christians (recognizing that Jesus
3 For the Lord is a great God, and a great King was a Jew who walked these paths) or anyone
Already, just that sentence conjures up biblical above all gods; who appreciate the connection of the people
images: The Red (or Reed) Sea! Where the of Israel to the Land of Israel, and who treasure
emerging nation of Israel, whose identity was . ָא ֶרץ; ְותֹו ֲעפֹת ָה ִרים לֹו- ֶמ ְח ְק ֵרי,ד ֲאֶׁשר ְּבָידֹו the wisdom and poignancy of the Bible.
forged in hundreds of years of slavery and 4 In whose hand are the depths of the earth;
suffering in Egypt as it turned from a family into the heights of the mountains are His also. My book – My Israel Trail: Finding Peace in
a clan and a tribe, and in the crucible of the the Promised Land – describes not only the
Exodus into a people, crossed into freedom! . ָי ָדיו ָי ָצרּו, ְוהּוא ָעָׂשהּו; ְו ַיֶּבֶׁשת,לֹו ַהָּים-ה ֲאֶׁשר physical hike and geography, the people I met
5 The sea is His, and He made it; and His and challenges I faced; it explores the lessons
Hiking on the Israel National Trail is an hands formed the dry land. I learned along the way, and how in applying
experience like no other. Not merely due to those lessons I was able to move on from my
the incredible beauty of the Land – deserts One can’t find a better description of the joy divorce.
in the South, forests in the North, sea to the and ‘song’ of my hike through the Holy Land,
West, the hills of Jerusalem and the expanse in the mountains of the Galilee, on the coast of Here’s just a taste of the sort of events and
of the coastal plain in the middle – nor just the the Mediterranean Sea, up the heights of the feelings I experienced.
physical challenge, nor the many delightful Jerusalem hills and into the depths and across
and unique, only-in-Israel aspects. But due to the dry land of the Negev desert. At age 51, I headed into the desert with nothing but a
the historical, spiritual links with the people of recently divorced, and in search of healing, I backpack and walking sticks to accompany
Israel who wandered these and similar paths, found it while walking through the land of milk
in ancient and in more recent times. Psalm
95 offers a framework for understanding the
depth and meaning of hiking in the Land of
Israel, for all believers:
In the Desert
with the Children of Israel
Reflections of trekking the length and breadth of the Land of Milk & Honey
Shekhoret Canyon