Page 22 - Holyland Magazine - 2021 Edition
P. 22
me. In 48 days of hiking (the Jewish Sabbath out beneath me, with the Jordan valley to wanderers and prophets and leaders of my
not included as a hiking day), I walked either my left and the hills of biblical Moav, today’s ancient people. Mt. Shlomo is named for King
entirely alone or with an occasional nod or Jordan, beyond… and in the distance, the Red Solomon, the wise and just king who built
exchange with others along the way. Sea, shimmering in the late afternoon light. Did the first Temple of the Lord in Jerusalem over
I really climb Mt. Shlomo and all the others? 3000 years ago! These aren’t just random
It wasn’t exactly the 40 days and 40 nights of Was I really crazy, or was I embarking on a names given to mountains; these are stated
Moses on Mt. Sinai, nor the 40 years of the thrilling, fantastic journey? acknowledgments of our ancient connection
Children of Israel’s wandering in the desert— to this Land, in recognition of the actual
but it felt like a little of both. 48 days of The truth slowly dawned on me: all of the above, presence of these historical figures in these or
contemplation—of life, of destiny, of priorities, and more. But crucially, I had an epiphany at similar hills.
of God, of fate, of politics and love and history that moment which would stay with me for the
and philosophy. And it started out in the rest of my two-month solo trek across Israel, When you walk through the expanse of the
mountains just north and west of Eilat. and thereafter; a realization which would help Negev, wander through the Judean desert, or
me to recover from my devastating divorce. make the ascent to Jerusalem, you’re walking
It was here I found or recognized a number of in the footsteps of our ancestors, along the
truths and tools that not only enabled me to That view was spectacular not only as a vista; same paths they may have tread, or similar
overcome the challenges of the actual physical and not only as it made tangible the results routes to those of Moses, David, Isaiah, and,
difficulties of the trek, but inspired me to move of my efforts over the preceding days. It was of course, Jesus. It is this connection with our
forward with my life and to conquer my anguish remarkable as it offered a completely different forebears and our heritage which makes every
and despair. perspective on the scenery I’d passed through step in the Land of Israel extraordinary, for
only hours and days before. I had been Jews and Christians alike.
It’s hard to convey the power, the intensity, constantly heading north: this offered one view
and the joy I was privileged to experience of the hills and valleys, sky and rocks and trees The trek on Shvil Yisrael, the Israel Trail, was for
while hiking the Shvil. I’ll share here just one and distant mountains. Then, there at the top me a sort of song of joy, to use the language
anecdote from so many, to illustrate a lesson of Maale Amram, I looked south, and it was like of the Psalm; of thanksgiving, of celebration
we can apply to our everyday life. gazing on a new landscape; it could have been for the wonders of being alive, and for the
a completely different hike. miracle of my people returning to our ancestral
Three days and about 20 miles into my hike, homeland. The book My Israel Trail is my
I ascended some 2000 feet to the top of That’s what gave me pause. Sometimes we ongoing paean to the experience. If or when
Maale Amram, the third of dozens of peaks. have to stop; turn around; and look how far you travel to Israel, I highly recommend it,
I was already exhausted, almost beaten by we’ve come. Sometimes we ought to put our whether for an hour or a day or a week. Let me
the heat, the loneliness, the steep ascents baggage aside and re-evaluate. Reconsider know if you choose to walk a bit through the
(and descents), and overwhelming silence of our assumptions; reassess our goals and Promised Land; I’d be delighted to welcome
the desert. Wondering what the heck I was approaches to whatever challenges we’re you, and perhaps to join you to sing together
doing, I reached the summit, and in a whirl of facing; look at things from another angle. this song of wonder.
triumph, with a whoop of victory, spun around
a few times. And I also recall thinking – Amram? Shlomo? Aryeh Green is author of My Israel Trail: Finding
Wait: Mt. Amram is named for the father of Peace in the Promised Land (,
What I saw made me stop, think, and marvel. Moses, Aaron and Miriam – those desert business leader and public activist. Write to him at
Looking back the way I’d come, the panorama
was glorious: dark and light brown hills spread
Aryeh at Carbolet summit. Judean Desert Crossroads Flowers in Nachal Maor
Big photo: Hod Akev,
overlooking the cliff