Page 34 - Holyland Magazine - 2021 Edition
P. 34

of Constantine the Great in 325 at the site        Herodian era, primarily due to topographical    Ohio. They were so moved by the Holy Spirit
of Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Since the         consideration, but was careful not to propose   that they loudly praised God and some even
Fourth Century, Roman Catholics and other          an alternate site.                              spoke in tongues. The next year, I went with
Christians have viewed this as true site. Israeli                                                  an Episcopal church group from Pennsylvania.
archaeologist Gabriel Barkay has dated The         Throughout the centuries, questions have        Their worship style being very different, they
Garden Tomb to 8th-7th centuries BC, making        arisen whether the Garden Tomb or The           appreciated the contemplative nature of the
it far older than a tomb freshly cut for Joseph    Church of the Holy Sepluchre is the place of    setting, but did burst into communal prayer of
of Arimathea would have been in the beginning      Jesus’ Crucifixion and Resurrection, although   song. During one of my visits with a Roman
of the First Century AD. Biblical scholars have    no matter where you are in the Old City of      Catholic Church from New Jersey, the group
presented arguments inconclusively for both        Jerusalem, you are near where He walked         asked to skip the Garden for Mass in the
sites over the years.                              and preached, where He was crucified and        Holy Sepulcher Church. I suggested that in
                                                   resurrected. Since 1894, the Garden Tomb        addition, The Garden Tomb site might offer the
Dr. Edward Robinson (1794-1863), named by          and its gardens have maintained appeal more     perfect quiet setting for putting the last days of
many as “The Father of Biblical Geography,”        to the charismatic Protestant denominations.    Jesus’ ministry into perspective in their minds
is perhaps most famous for his discovery of        One of The Garden Tomb’s appeals, in addition   and hearts.
“Hezekiah’s Tunnel” and “Robinson’s Arch,”         to being a site of Christian worship since
named for him and his work in the Holy Land.       the 1800s, is the very nature of the setting    Today, the Garden Tomb, which for over 120
Written in 1841, Dr. Robinson’s “Biblical          itself. Over the years, The Garden Tomb         years has shared the story of Jesus’ crucifixion
Research in Palestine” was, at the time,           Association has preserved a better setting      and resurrection, is maintained by volunteers
considered the standard work for a topography      for imagination and contemplation than the      from around the world who join a team of local
and archaeology in the Holy Land.                  more traditional, yet crowded and somewhat      Palestinians and Israelis. To me, no matter
                                                   chaotic atmosphere of the Church of the Holy    what the belief, one thing for sure is that the
In it, he argued against authenticity of the of    Sepluchre. Both have something to offer to the  setting matches the description of the tomb
Queen Helena’s traditional location of Golgotha    pilgrim or visitor.                             during the time of Jesus, and that allows one
and Joseph Arimathea’s tomb: “Golgotha and                                                         to contemplate the events that happened here
the Tomb shown in the Church of the Holy           I have had the pleasure of visiting the         in Jerusalem. Though my first visit was 47
Sepulcher are not upon the actual place of the     Garden Tomb numerous times, mostly with         years ago, with each visit, the Garden Tomb
Crucifixion and Resurrection.” Dr. Robinson        pastors of different denominations and their    still has a very special place in my heart. I highly
said that the traditional location would           congregations. My first visit was in 1973       recommend that every Christian should visit it.
have been within the city walls during the         with a Pentecostal pastor and a group from

The entrance to the Tomb                                                                           The garden
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