Page 38 - Holyland Magazine - 2021 Edition
P. 38


 Place of Seven Springs

Bringing ancient stories to life                    face to face with one of Jesus’ most notable     six have been discovered). Well documented
                                                    miracles and some of His final recorded words    in historic records, the name “The Place of the
By Reuven Doron                                     to His disciples.                                Seven Spring” is pronounced “Hep-tapegon”
                                                                                                     in Greek, a name that changed through the
Traveling around the Sea of Galilee, you            Best known for the miraculous multiplication of  centuries to the Arabized pronunciation of
       find yourself immersed in biblical stories,  loaves and fish to feed the multitude, Tabgha    “Tabgha.”
       parables and miracles, most of which         also commemorates Jesus’ third appearance
       are associated with the life and ministry    to his disciples after his resurrection, when    The Geography of Tabgha
       of Jesus of Nazareth. In particular,         he restored Simon Peter and commissioned
Tabgha (pronounced TAB-HA), located on the          him to serve as the leader of the newborn        Located about two miles (3km) west of
northwestern shore of the Lake, brings you          community of Faith.                              Capernaum, along the lush northwestern
                                                                                                     coastline of the Sea of Galilee, Tabgha offers
                                                    Known for its great abundance of fish, Tabgha    stunning vistas with the colorful Golan Heights
                                                    derives its name from its seven springs (only    to the east, the placid Lake stretching south,
                                                                                                     and the Galilean peaks rising to the north and

38 The Church of the Primacy of Saint Peter.
                                                                                                                                                                         Photo: Itamar Grinberg, IMOT
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