Page 43 - Holyland Magazine - 2021 Edition
P. 43

n  the Crusaders sent the Carmelites back to
   Europe, but they returned in the mid-17th

   Stella Maris

   Not only is this monastery important to the
   stories of Elijah and the Carmelites, its location
   at the top of Mount Carmel’s western side
   provides a wonderful view of the city and
   port of Haifa. Interestingly, the name of the
   monastery – which in Latin means “star of the
   sea” – comes not from the magnificent view
   of the Mediterranean revealed from that spot,
   but from a 2nd-century interpretation of the
   Hebrew name of Mary, Miryam, which contains
   the word yam (sea) in Hebrew. The church,
   which was built in its current form in 1853,
   has a beautiful domed ceiling, with figures that
   tell many biblical stories as well as those from
   the history of the Carmelite Order. According
   to tradition, Elijah once inhabited the cave
   beneath the altar.

   Our Lady of Mount Carmel

   Dozens of nuns live in the charming Gothic-
   style complex now in the middle of a residential
   neighborhood of Haifa known as the French
   Carmel. The nuns, who come from all over the
   world, create beautiful handicrafts they sell to
   visitors and also cultivate vegetable gardens.
   The name of the convent derives from an
   ancient altar dedicated to Mary at that site.


   This is probably the most famous Carmelite
   monastery, not only on Mount Carmel, but in

   Statue of Elisha the                                the world, built in 1868 on the traditional site  the Kishon River where Elijah ordered the
   Prophet at the biblical                             where Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal.     prophets of Baal taken to be killed. Reading
   “place of the burning”                              The name of the monastery comes from the          the story of Elijah and the prophets of Baal
   in Mukhraka (1 Kings                                Arabic word that means “burning” – recalling      atop Mount Carmel is one of the most
   18:38). Left: The dome of                           the fire that God sent down from heaven           memorable moments in an Israel visit.
   the Stella Maris Church                             that “burned up the sacrifice, the wood, the
   in Haifa. Photo: www.                               stones and the soil, and also licked up the       Nature on Mount Carmel                                        water in the trench” (1 Kings 18:38).
                                                                                                         Much of the Carmel is a national park, with
                                                       In the monastery’s well-kept courtyard            miles of hiking, cycling and walking trails.
                                                       stands a statue of Elijah the Prophet, sword      In December 2010, a disastrous fire struck
                                                       raised, with his foot on the head of one          the central and western slopes of the range,
                                                       of the defeated prophets of Baal, which           burning more than 30,000 acres of planted
                                                       has become a symbol of the monastery.             forests and natural woodlands. While it will take
                                                       A modest chapel is located on the ground          many years to restore that part of the mountain,
                                                       floor, but most people head straight for          Israel’s nature authorities are working hard to
                                                       the rooftop observation point, where on a         rehabilitate the forest, and there are still many
                                                       clear day the view stretches from Elijah’s        picturesque areas to see and enjoy.
                                                       homeland across the Jordan Valley – the
                                                       Mountains of Gilead – to the Mediterranean        For information on visiting hours:
                                                       Sea where Elijah’s servant saw the cloud          Stella Maris – Tel. 04-833-7758
                                                       that signaled the end of the drought, to          Our Lady of Mount Carmel – Tel. 04-833-7384
                                                                                                         Muhraka – Tel. 052-877-9686

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