Page 46 - Holyland Magazine - 2021 Edition
P. 46

The dirt filtration project from the Temple Mount                                                                      Tel Dan Nature Reserve
                                                                                                         Inside the Tel Dan Nature Reserve

sites, these sites were not closed (except         biblical text, but rather stay close to the surface   In the days of calmness, many believers feel
during the lockdowns) and many Israelis            and settle for more superficial explanations.         the closeness to God, but do not necessarily
visited, continuing to learn about biblical deeds  These types of tours are very common due to           feel the need to deepen the connection and
through archaeological finds.                      the relatively low price and smaller number of        biblical understanding. In the days after
                                                   sites visited compared to the study tour.             disasters, war or epidemic, such as what we
Tourism will return, this is something obvious                                                           are experiencing now, the intense need to find
to everyone, but will it be the same? Only days    Study tours are characterized by in-depth             answers to everyday questions which bother
will tell.                                         analysis of biblical text in front of archaeological  us has increased.
                                                   sites, where the tourist is exposed to. This
What is clear today, especially as we gain         allows visitors to gain new perspectives on           This is where the power and uniqueness
control of the pandemic, is that visitors from     the lives of biblical heroes. This type of tour is    of the study tour comes into play. Not
all over the world will seek to visit holy places  less common and includes many sites, a large          just what happened at a particular site,
to thank God in us surviving these testing         volume of study material and field insight led        but why it happened here, what were the
times. Or, alternatively, to pray closer to God    by experts.                                           conditions before the incident, what were the
for those affected.                                                                                      consequences afterwards, why did this unique
                                                   However, despite being "more difficult," the          incident happen in this unique place and what
When we look throughout history, we can            study tour leaves a much deeper impression            do we learn about the way God works, the
distinguish between two types of tours to the      and imprint than its counterpart – the                Bible and who we are today?
Land of Israel:                                    pilgrimage tour.
                                                                                                         The author – Omer Eshel, CEO of The Bible Comes
• Pilgrimage Tours                                 In the coming years, it is in my humble opinion       to Life, an organization that specializes in study
• Study Tours                                      that we will experience a growth in distribution      tours, online Bible studies and Bible lectures.
                                                   of the types of tours to the Land of Israel. The
Pilgrimage tours are the basic tours, most of      classic pilgrimage tour will continue to be a
which are church-oriented, visiting heritage       big part of the movement, but the study tour,
sites and exploring traditions. These tours        which gives great depth in understanding
do not go into great depth when it comes to        biblical text, will continue to hold a special
                                                   status and a growth in participants.

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