Page 40 - Holyland Magazine - 2021 Edition
P. 40
west. With plenty of fresh water and warm
weather year around, Tabgha is always green.
The seven springs are famous for generating Inside the Church of the Primacy of St Peter. Arab town of Tabgha is found in Ottoman tax
water that is warmer than the temperature of Photo: Itamar Grinberg, IMOT records dating back to the 16th Century AD.
the Sea of Galilee, a condition that creates During the conflicts surrounding Israel’s War
accelerated growth of algae, which in turn incorporating portions of the ancient mosaics. of Independence of 1948-1949, the town of
attracts more fish. No wonder this particular Today, the church is the property of the Tabgha was abandoned.
stretch of shoreline was very popular among German Association of the Holy Land, and the
the fishermen who worked the Lake since site is maintained by Benedictine monks from 4. The New Restored Tabgha Church
Bible times! the Dormition Abbey. Reconstruction began in 1980 as an
architectural masterpiece combining the
The History of Tabgha The Multiplication Church of ancient mosaics with the beautifully carved
Tabgha marble columns and the Italian tiles of the
This stretch of shoreline was a favorite spot for roof. Perhaps the best-known mosaic, on the
nearby communities, and was certainly familiar 1. First Church, 4th Century AD, Founded floor near the altar, refers to the multiplication
to Jesus and his disciples. Visiting Tabgha By Josepos miracle, featuring a basket of loaves flanked
today, you’ll find it easy to imagine Jesus As was the custom of Byzantine Christians, a by two fish.
strolling along the coastline, speaking with small church was erected on the site during the
the working men, and teaching the multitudes 4th Century AD, possibly by a Jewish Christian Church of the Primacy of St Peter
from a boat anchored in the shallow harbor. named Josepos. According to traditional at Tabgha
records, Josepos founded four churches in the
During the Byzantine period, Christian pilgrims Galilee during his life, one of which is believed A second Church called the Church of the
erected monasteries, churches and chapels to be the original Church of the Multiplication of Primacy of Saint Peter is also located on the
throughout the Galilee to commemorate the Loaves and Fishes. Tabgha shoreline, commemorating Peter’s
ministry and miracles of Jesus. According to reconciliation to Jesus and his assignment
archaeologists, the earliest structure at Tabgha 2. Second Church, 5th Century, The as a shepherd among the apostles. During
was a small chapel dating back to the 4th Egyptian Custom the 9th Century, the church was referred to
Century AD. This was most probably the place With increasing pilgrim traffic, a larger Byzantine as the “Place of the Coals,” speaking of the
described by the pilgrim Egeria during her 4th church was built during the second half of biblical account of Jesus' preparing a meal
Century travels, saying: “In the same place (not the 5th Century AD. The benefactor of this on a charcoal fire, an event mentioned in a
far from Capernaum) facing the Sea of Galilee second project was Martyrios, the Patriarch 9th Century AD document describing twelve
is a well-watered land in which lush grasses of Jerusalem and a native of Egypt. That heart-shaped stones placed along the shore,
grow, with numerous trees and palms. Nearby may explain why the church was constructed commemorating the twelve apostles and their
are seven springs which provide abundant according to Egyptian style, containing mosaic famous breakfast.
water. In this fruitful garden Jesus fed five floors and featuring wildlife forms found in the
thousand people with five loaves of bread and Nile Valley. A visit to Tabgha today is sure to bring these
two fish.” ancient stories to life and strengthen the heart
3. Post Byzantine Period of Tabgha of every person of faith.
That original church was most likely destroyed This magnificent Byzantine structure was
during the Persian invasion and consequent destroyed during the first half of the 7th Century Reuven Doron, director of Ministry Relations,
Arab military campaigns, and Tabgha was AD as Persian and then Arab armies invaded SAR-EL TOURS
rebuilt as a small Arab village. the Holy Land and wrestled it away from the
Byzantine Empire. A local community was
By the 18th Century, the land was purchased built, and the first official record of the small
by a Catholic German association planning
to construct a hospitality facility, yet upon
discovering an early Christian complex, were
unable to excavate due to Ottoman law.
By 1981, after diligent work of restoration,
the original structure was put on display,