Page 18 - Holyland Magazine - 2022 Edition
P. 18

Immerse Yourself in the Bible

                                                                and the Land of Israel

                                  Become a Student at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem

               erusalem has long been considered the   University attracts a diverse student body   year long dream of mine to study archaeology
               very center of the world. The city has   from all over the world. Jews, Christians, and   in Israel at Hebrew University. I wanted to
               been the stage throughout history where   Muslims of all ages come together here, get to   complement my theological studies with an
               the world’s most dramatic and historic   know each other, and pursue a common quest   understanding of the Land of Israel to gain a
           Jmoments have taken place. Nations   for knowledge and research.       greater appreciation  of the ancient cultures,
           have fought over it. Kings have ruled from it.                         geography, and history of the Bible to which
           Prophets have declared its future. And the  Archaeology Makes Biblical   I’ve dedicated my life,” Richard says.
           greatest stories ever told have been centered  History Tangible
           in this ancient city. To walk the streets of   Among the many degree programs, some   The program includes excavations at sites of
           Jerusalem today is to experience the course   particularly  stand  out,  offering  students  the   great  historical  and  biblical  significance.  For
           of history, to touch the divine mystery, and to   opportunity to acquire academic expertise and   example, at Tel Abel Beth Maacah near Metula
           stand in awe of the perennial wonder.  hands-on experience that will complement   in northern Israel, a site mentioned in 2 Samuel
                                              their spiritual pursuits. The Master’s program   20:14-15. Students spend a month there
           In the midst of this ancient city, perched high   in Archaeology and the Ancient Near East,   excavating on site not only to uncover Israel’s
           atop Mount Scopus, is the Hebrew University   for example, immerses students in the history   past, but also to deepen their understanding of
           of  Jerusalem  (HUJI),  an  institute  which  for   and ancient culture of the Land of the Bible.   the ancient cultures of the biblical era.
           more than 100 years has embodied the spirit   Covering  a  period  of  approximately  6,000
           of Jerusalem and the wonder of Israel through   years, the program examines the history and   Excelling as a Community Leader
           is various and unique academic programs. The   culture  of  ancient  Israel  and  its  neighboring   Another degree program offered by HUJI, the
           university was founded in 1918, and today it is   cultures during the Bronze and Iron Ages.   MA in Nonprofit Management and Leadership,
           recognized as one of the top 100 universities                          is ideal for those desiring to expand their
           in the world.                      For Richard Liverance from Los Angeles, CA,   skills as community leaders – a prospect that
                                              registering for HUJI’s program in archaeology   was particularly appealing to Nic Lesmeister,
           With more than 50 English-language degree   was a logical continuation in his path as a   a  pastor  and  expert  in  church  and  Jewish
           programs in a variety of different fields, Hebrew   pastor and teacher. “Actually, it has been a 30-  relations. Originally from Minnesota, Nic

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