Page 22 - Holyland Magazine - 2022 Edition
P. 22

The Garden Tomb                     Yardenit Baptismal site           Visiting the Dead Sea

           He stands in an area littered with the temples   where Jesus asked that question, is powerful   the site of Jesus’ first miracle. Jerusalem is
           of the Syrian gods; in a place where the   beyond words. This is just one example of   certainly moving for all who pass through its
           ancient Greek gods looked down; in a place   how  being  in  the  very  places  where  Jesus   gates. Many walk the Via Dolorosa, visit the
           where the history of Israel crowded in upon   walked draws us into those moments of his   Church  of  the  Holy  Sepulchre  and  pray  in
           the minds of men; where the white marble   ministry in a new and powerful way. We say   the Garden Tomb. In all of these places, the
           splendor of the home of Caesar--worship   it transforms the Bible from black and white   Bible comes alive to us.
           dominated the landscape and compelled the   into color and into 3D.
           eye.                                                                   Not  all  we  encounter  is  thousands  of  years
                                              Harry’s story explains one experience of how   old.  Israel  is  one  of  the  most  modern  and
           and  there  -  of  all  places  -  this  amazing   throughout Israel, we draw upon scriptures   progressive  countries  in  the  world—  a  tiny
           carpenter stands and asks men who they   to  add  meaning  to  each  site  we  visit.  Not   country  which  is  a  world  leader  in  medical
           believe him to be, and expects the answer,   only  does  that  occur  in  a  powerful  way  in   science, has transformed deserts into farms,
           The Son of God. It is as if Jesus deliberately   the moment, but it will also occur for the rest   and with vineyards and citrus groves growing
           set himself against the background of the   of  our  lives.  Every  time  we  study  scripture   organic fruits and vegetables to a point where
           world’s religions in all their history and their   at  home,  hear  sermons,  or  reflect  on  our   Israel is a major exporter of food. It is certainly
           splendor, and demanded to be compared   faith, we will think back to the experience of   a land of contrasts: ancient and modern.
           with them and to have the verdict given   visiting the Holy Land.
           in his favor. There are few scenes where                               Maybe  when  you  visit  Israel,  you  will  find
           Jesus’ consciousness of his own divinity   Of course, our feelings about a place have   your  special  place  that  will  become  your
           shines out with a more dazzling light.”  a lot to do with our experiences there and   favorite. Or perhaps, like me, you won’t be
                                              how we connect. For some, it comes from a   able  select  just  one  site.  Whether  you  can
           Being  there  and  seeing  but  a  few  of  the   boat trip on the Sea of Galilee or baptism in   name one place or not, one thing is for sure
           remains of those temples, and realizing this is   the Jordan River. Others connect with Cana,   – your visit will be life changing.

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