Page 25 - Holyland Magazine - 2022 Edition
P. 25

Intriguingly, the archaeological layers matched
           what  was  known  about  Bethsaida  from
           historical and literary descriptions. Could this
           be Bethsaida?

           Professor Steven Notley of Nyack College, New
           York City, is convinced it is. Notley, a historian,
           has been co-leader of the research and
           excavation at el-Araj. The excavations so far
           have conclusively determined that a Byzantine
           church is there, as expected from the historical                                  The multicolored three-strand
           record.  Additionally,  an  electromagnetic                                       band mosaic on the edge of the
                                                                                             nave of the Byzantine “Church of
           imaging survey of the site done in 2019 shows                                     the Apostles." Photo: courtesy
           the ruins that still lie buried extend well north of                              of Zachary Wong
           the church site, perhaps evidence the site was
           indeed large enough to be a city. Furthermore,
           exploratory pits have found Roman coins and   Until  then,  the  location  of  one  of  the  most   Museum of the Bible hosts a large archaeological
           pottery beneath the Byzantine layer.  familiar  villages  from  the  Gospels  remains   exhibition  on  its  fifth  floor.  The  People  of  the
                                              slightly uncertain: two sites, a little over a mile   Land,  provided  and  curated  by  the  Israel
           Excavations  at  the  site,  partially  sponsored   from each other, lay claim to being the place   Antiquities Authority, displays over 700 objects
           by  Museum  of  the  Bible’s  Scholars  Initiative,   where several of Jesus’s disciples grew up and   from the Roman and Canaanite periods.
           continue.  The  pandemic  has  limited  work  at   the place near which the feeding of the 5,000
           the  site,  just  as  it  has  prevented  pilgrimage   occurred (Luke 9). The more that is uncovered,   It  is  the  largest  exhibit  of  archaeological
           and tourism.                       the more we can understand with precision life   materials from Israel in the United States and
                                              in the first century and how these cities and   provides an opportunity for guests to see the
           The  hope  is  that  the  2022  excavations   villages were interconnected. It even provides   material culture of people from the time of the
           will  uncover  the  inscriptions  that  would   sharper insight into how this region fits into the   Bible. From Bronze Age weapons to Philistine
           conclusively  identify  the  church.  Professors   Gospel narratives and served as an important   pottery, loom weights to arrowheads, storage
           Notley and Aviam are scheduled to speak at   location—at the mouth of the Jordan River as it   jars to ossuaries, these everyday objects give
           the museum next fall to give an update on their   enters the Sea of Galilee—for Jewish, Roman,   us a better sense of daily life in the places of
           2022 excavations.                  and Christian history.              the Bible.

           2019 excavation team outlining
           the Byzantine Church of the
           Apostles with the apse in the
           distance and six individuals
           standing in the locations of the
           pillar bases. Photo: courtesy of
           Zachary Wong

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