Page 40 - Holyland Magazine - 2022 Edition
P. 40
New immigrants (olim) from Ukraine welcomed
home with the Israeli flag. Photo: Olivier Fitussi
The Jewish Agency
Step Into the Story…
F or over 90 years The Jewish Agency has assist and bring our People back to Israel. We But they that wait for the LORD shall renew
been transforming the prophecy of the
have helped over 3 million Jews, dispersed
their strength; They shall mount up with
Ingathering of the Exiles into a hard-won
around the world, to make their journey home
wings as eagles; They shall run, and not be
and miraculous reality.
to modern-day Israel. The Jewish Agency
weary; They shall walk, and not faint.
welcomed them to their Promised Land with
As the organization that led the struggle to has planned with them, traveled with them, Isaiah 40:31
realize the Jewish people's dream of returning open arms, aided them in their absorption, and The Jewish Agency is also building a stronger
to our national home, we succeeded against all watched them flourish in their new lives. and more resilient Israeli society. We operate
odds and founded the State of Israel in 1948. a large network of programs designed to
We can expand our reach as needs arise, help vulnerable children and teens. There
The Jewish Agency continues to work as the thanks to our vast global network of are also post-high school leadership training
academies that serve young people from
main link between the Israeli government, the infrastructure and community partnerships. all ethnic and religious backgrounds. It is so
global Jewish community, and our friends This is one of the reasons we are able to inspiring to watch these young people flourish
all over the globe. We have activities in 65 immediately deploy millions of dollars of into the next generation of culturally sensitive
countries, ranging from sustaining Jewish emergency funds, hundreds of people, and leaders in their diverse communities, paving
communities in distress such as in Venezuela innumerable thousands of tangible resources the way for coexistence and a shared society.
or Uzbekistan to deploying volunteers to to tens of thousands of Ukrainian refugees who
Ghana or Cambodia to provide 21st-century have fled to safety in neighboring countries,
life skills education to children and teens. since the end of February 2022. We are ready We operate many housing facilities which
and able to welcome the influx of our weary provide shelter and comfort to Holocaust
Over the decades, The Jewish Agency has brethren as they fly home to their nest in the survivors, allowing them to spend the rest of
been honored to fulfill its primary mission, to Holy Land. their lives cared for with dignity and compassion.