Page 41 - Holyland Magazine - 2022 Edition
P. 41

New immigrants (olim) overjoyed to be in   New immigrant (olah) arriving home   Caption: Refugee immigrants arriving to
                     Israel. Photo: Olivier Fitussi  in Israel. Photo: Sraya diamant  safety in Israel from the war of Ukraine
                                                                                  Photo: Nir Kafri

                     Holocaust Survivor cared for by Amigour   Children at risk receiving holistic care   New immigrants (olim) from Ethiopia,
                     of The Jewish Agency, photo: David   and mentoring for their future  overjoyed to be in Israel. Photo: Olivier
                     Salem for The Jewish Agency   Photo: Nir Kafri               Fitussi

           Ultimately, Israel is a place where humanity can   arms, and ready to shower them with love and   Come visit us and walk in the footsteps of those
           prosper, and peace will prevail. Sadly, there are   support. We hope you will join us to celebrate   leaders  and  pioneers  who  made  this  great
           still deeply entrenched bunkers full of hate and   their arrival!      miracle of renewal possible. We welcome you
           violence towards Israel. Israeli civilians, even                       to come to our National Institutions campus
           children, are targeted and become victims   And He will set up an ensign for the nations,   in  the  center  of  Jerusalem  to  enter  the  room
           of terror. The Jewish Agency responds with   and will assemble the dispersed of Israel, and   where Israel's Declaration of Independence was
           tangible resources to help these people rebuild   gather together the scattered of Judah from   signed, where the fledgling State first took wing.
           their homes and their lives in the wake of   the four corners of the earth.
           terrorist attacks.                 Isaiah 11:12                        We can host you at our youth villages, our
                                              David Ben-Gurion saw the ingathering of the   absorption  centers for new Olim. Come
           From  Ethiopia to  Ukraine and Russia,                                 spend some time with Holocaust survivors,
           through France, and at last to Jerusalem   exiles as “the yearning, destiny, and mission of   listen to their stories, and provide comfort to
           and Tel Aviv, The Jewish Agency is a   the State of Israel.”           victims of terror and those  living  in  poverty.
           vehicle for creating everyday miracles.                                Perhaps you have always wanted to be
                                              Then they will know that I am the Lord their
           We welcome you to join us on the continued   God because I made them go into exile   part of the story of Israel, of the Jewish
           journey! We are in the midst of another   among the nations, and then gathered them   people. We are here to welcome you to it.
           miraculous Exodus of the Jews; as tens of   again to their own land; and I will leave none   To know Israel, to bless Israel and its people, is
           thousands will soon make their journey home   of them there any longer.  to know The Jewish Agency.
           from Ethiopia, Ukraine, and other states of the   Ezekiel 39:28
           former Soviet Union. Inspired by their courage,
           others will join them from the four corners of   Now it is your turn to Step Into the Story, Danielle Mor
           the earth. We are waiting for them with open   and see what is possible in this place.,

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