Page 48 - Holyland Magazine - 2019 Edition
P. 48
Visitors at Masada. Photo: Itamar Grinberg
for the Israel Ministry of Tourism
Redefining Immersion
Bringing the Cultural and Spiritual Together Seamlessly on Tour
T oday’s travelers have an insatiable Knowledge is power Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Photo: Noam
desire to immerse themselves within Chen for the Israel Ministry of Tourism
the places they wish to explore in every The ideal immersive travel program actually
way. In particular, when it comes to commences long before sojourners depart. Then it’s on to the River Jordan where John
the Holy Land, it’s life-changing. This Instead of just reading an itinerary, helping the Baptist baptized Jesus, and where
trip is a physical, emotional, personal and travelers understand the history of each travelers can have a baptism as well, bringing
spiritual change that happens to travelers on place they will visit beforehand – via DVDs, more religious depth into the program. Then
immersion-focused itineraries. news, books, and personal stories – offers the group heads to Jericho where Joshua
them an unparalleled perspective that you marched along the walls and the walls fell
For a truly immersive journey, the key is to can see illuminates them as they journey down. Throughout the tour, travelers will see
experience culture up close and see how it along. the juxtaposition of old and new at every
ties into historical and biblical teachings, as turn.
well as modern day life. A Model Immersive Holy Land
Travel Program In essence, immersion-focused Holy Land
Immersive Travel Defined trips present a whole new dimension - where
A popular option is to head directly to culture, history and religion all come together
Immersive travel is about experiencing Tiberias and start an immersive adventure in seamlessly, and participants gain a whole
cultural interchanges firsthand, such as the Northernmost Part of the Holy Land. The different perspective of what the Holy Land
enjoying the Sabbath with a Jewish family program ventures down through the Golan is and why it is also the Promised Land.
or visiting a Kibbutz communal living area. Heights, then the Sea of Galilee and on to
Such experiences take travelers deeper into Capernaum and Jerusalem, before exploring By Beverly Marshall-Luney of Platinum Tours
the kaleidoscope of each place visited, to Bethlehem and Nazareth. It’s a continual International and Adam Greis of Central Holidays
better understand how each element relates walk, the same way Jesus walked through
to the history and religious significance of the Holy Land in a progression southward.
this sacred land.
The journey continues on to The Dead Sea
Tying it all together, by taking travelers to to look at The Dead Sea Scrolls and to enjoy
sites that they have only read about in books the therapeutic, saline waters before heading
and to live the places mentioned in biblical to Masada, where Herod’s summer palace
references, is a revelation that refreshes and was located before the Jews took over after
renews the spirit. the death of Christ. Then participants set off
across the bridge of Jordan to visit the lost
city of Petra.