Page 46 - Holyland Magazine - 2019 Edition
P. 46
Team 2 working on the dig.
Photo: Mr. Aaron Reynolds
Jerusalem, the Tabernacle was moved do there. The site offers tours, a unique contemporary landscape. On the floor
there. However, until the death of the High sound and light experience, several craft below, there is a small museum with artifacts
Priest Eli, Shiloh was the center of Jewish workshops, a museum and observation from the various digs on the site.
worship and the main pilgrimage site for the tower, an excellent film about the site, and
Children of Israel. Three times each year, an information center with a cafe and a small Special annual events that take place at
faithful pilgrims of the twelve tribes traveled gift shop. Because of its hilltop location, Shiloh have their roots there as well. We
to Shiloh, bringing festival offerings. Shiloh offers a spectacular panoramic view know that Eli was the last of the high priests
for miles and miles around. to serve at Shiloh. The book of Samuel tells us
With the Tabernacle now in Jerusalem, that Eli’s wife Hannah entered the Tabernacle
Shiloh declined as a pilgrimage site. One of my favorites of the new buildings on and prayed for God to give her a child. After
Philistines attacked and destroyed the town. the site is the HaRoeh Tower. Situated on the the birth of her son, Samuel, she reentered
Eventually, Romans and Christians took top of Shiloh Hill, the tower offers a unique the Tabernacle, this time to offer a prayer
over the mostly-deserted spot, and later, film shown on a huge screen that alternates of thanksgiving. When he was old enough,
Muslims conquered the area. Shiloh became from being opaque to translucent so that Hanna turned him over to Eli to be raised in
just another small hilltop town. In the 1920s the historical reenactments of the film are the service of the Lord. Samuel would grow
and 30s, European archaeologists began at times superimposed on the actual distant up to become one of Israel’s great prophets.
to explore and work in the area. Others Today, a special women’s prayer and music
followed, but it was not until 2006 when festival - “Hannah’s Prayer,” is held each year
excavations uncovered several mosaic floors at Shiloh, around the time of Rosh Hashanah
and Greek inscriptions which once and for (the Jewish new year).
all identified the site as the ancient village of
Shiloh. Since then, a great deal of attention Thanks to the archaeologists and developers
has been devoted to uncovering the past of the site, we can visit the very place where
and developing the area. Joshua, Hannah, Eli and Samuel changed
history. Whether you visit Shiloh as a tourist,
On October 10, 2018, I had the pleasure of or sign up to work on the archaeological dig,
visiting Shiloh, which is located only 28 miles you will be moved by this special site.
(45km) north of Jerusalem on Route 60.
Although it is still an active archaeological The author is one of the founders of Journeys
site, there is already much to see and Unlimited