Page 43 - Holyland Magazine - 2019 Edition
P. 43
A procession led by the Greek Orthodox Patriarch,
along with other respected clerics and a youth
orchestra, walking towards the Jordan River
Fifteen centuries later, following the settlement of Hidden from site, almost forgotten from
the Promised Land, the building and rebuilding memory and grossly neglected by mainstream
of two Temples, and surviving repeated dangers tourism for many years, Qasr El Yahud lay in
from hostile neighbors and invading empires, waiting for millennia. Following centuries of
another great crowd gathered at Qasr El Yahud Turkish Ottoman Islamic rule, that did not
at the 1st century AD. encourage Christian pilgrimage to this remote
area, the region fell under the administration
The radical message of repentance of John of the Jordanians until the Six Day War of
the Baptist drew what historians estimate were 1967, often serving as an operational base for
millions of 1st century Jews to the remote Islamic terrorists targeting Israeli communities.
site. In those days, John the Baptist came The Israel Defense Forces secured the area,
preaching in the wilderness of Judea, saying: cleaned out the terrorists’ nests, and kept the
"Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at region quiet and safe in recent decades. With
hand." For this is he who was spoken of by the days of obscurity over, Qasr El Yahud has
the prophet Isaiah, saying: "The voice of one been refurbished with comfortable access to
crying in the wilderness, prepare the way of the the waterfront, public showers, shaded seating
LORD; make His paths straight." Also saying: areas for prayer and parking.
"Then Jerusalem, ALL JUDEA, and ALL THE
REGION around the Jordan went out to him,” As we often hear it said: “Israel is the one place
(Matthew 3:1-5, emphasis mine). on earth where the Bible comes alive.” Right
here, at Qsar El Yahud, on the western banks
An epic event in its proportions and religious of the River Jordan, both Jewish and Christian
significance, this sprawling crowd of Jews, pilgrims discover some of their foundational
Romans, sceptics and curious observers truths anchored in the geography, history and
served as the backdrop for the historic traditions of a humble oasis chosen by God for
baptism of Jesus of Nazareth. Launching His a great purpose.
public ministry at this humble and remote site
on the banks of the Jordan River, a spiritual The writer is a director of Ministerial Relations / Sar-
movement was born that has since impacted El Tours & Conferences /
billions of souls worldwide. Was the location’s
choice coincidental, or was there a divine
hand guiding these events and placing both
the crossing of Israel into the Promised Land
and the introduction of Jesus’ ministry at the
same location?