Page 40 - Holyland Magazine - 2019 Edition
P. 40

A baptism in the Jordan River. Photos: Shutterstock

If Webster’s Dictionary defines a miracle as ‘an extraordinary
event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs,’ then
Israel is the Land like no other to experience it in

Miracles in the                                                                                       We recall and relive many of Jesus’ other
Holy Land                                                                                             miracles and teachings, and the journey
                                                                                                      leaves a lasting impression on us.

                                                                                                      Indeed, inspiration is found in the Holy Land!
                                                                                                      Forthrightly, I had once told a friend and
                                                                                                      senior pastor that despite all of his seminary
                                                                                                      training, he did not know anything yet, not
                                                                                                      until he had been to Israel. Then one day
                                                                                                      he asked me for help getting him there. The
                                                                                                      morning after he returned, he found me in
                                                                                                      the local coffee shop and his first words
                                                                                                      were: “Now I know what you meant!”

By Paul Larsen                                                          Church of the Holy Sepulchre  And while we were on tour in Jerusalem
                                                                                                      with one other particular group of spiritual
She had walked through Caesarea                  She responded: “Oh, you could never                  and educational leaders, we entered the
       where many of Paul’s missionary           understand. I could not have made this trip if       area of the Garden Tomb with their diverse
       journeys began. She had negotiated        it were not for my daughter who helped me            theological opinions and backgrounds.
       the incline up to Mount Megiddo to        finance it. I have had a hard life and scarcely      The vast differences amidst them left an
       overlook the Jezreel Valley where         been outside the state of Nebraska and               unanswered question of whether they could
many of the battles of the Old Testament         never outside the country. But this trip has         peaceably commune there - yet they left the
happened and where it is prophesied in           been everything I ever hoped for, everything         experience in unity and tears of joy in their
the Book of Revelation that the Battle           I dreamed of and more.” I realized how the           eyes, singing ‘Amazing Grace’ together!
of Armageddon will take place. She had           Spirit of the Holy Land had touched her and
walked down Palm Sunday Way, stopping at         what it meant to her. It was a divine moment,        When travelers see with their own eyes the
the Garden of Gethsemane, and continued          a miraculous moment.                                 places of Biblical history, they gain a deeper
on to St. Stephen’s Gate where St. Stephen                                                            understanding of their faith and they come
was martyred. And on this particular day,        I have seen and experienced these                    home excited to tell of how the stories and
she had walked through Jerusalem as Jesus        extraordinary moments many times as                  knowledge they had previously only read
had walked to the Cross where He died and        travelers walk in the Footsteps of Jesus.            about now come so alive for them. There
then to the tomb where He rose again. This       We visit the places where Jesus performed            is no doubt in my mind that when a church
elderly lady had done it all with an artificial  miracles such as Capernaum, the site where           group travels together in Israel, it becomes a
hip, an artificial knee and nary a complaint.    Jesus healed Peter’s mother-in-law as told in        journey of faith, fellowship, learning, worship
Now as we arrived at the Church of the Holy      all four Gospels. We visit the Church of the         and letting the saints and history testify to
Sepulchre, she said to me: “I am just going      Multiplication, recall Jesus’ first miracle at       them in inspiring ways that are not always
to sit here and rest a bit. You all go inside.”  Cana with renewal of wedding vows, and we            possible on Sunday morning.
                                                 sail the same waters of the Galilee that Jesus
I sent the group in and said to her: “Delores,   walked upon. On the Mount of Beatitudes,             I have been told that pastors’ sermons
I will sit with you. I have been here many       we humbly read aloud those Blessings that            improve after a trip to the Holy Land -
times.” Then I asked her: “How has this trip     Jesus compassionately bestows on those               perhaps it is because they now have a
to the Holy Land been for you?”                  less fortunate who we also must truly learn          profoundly invaluable visual in their mind.
                                                 to see in our own midst, through His eyes.           Thanking me and our Ed-Ventures staff for
                                                                                                      their tour, a dear pastor friend of mine stated:
                                                                                                      “As a pastor, I found it immensely helpful to
                                                                                                      travel with my congregation to places of
                                                                                                      biblical significance where I could tell them
                                                                                                      something of rich Christian history, and it has
                                                                                                      been a faith-building experience for me, my
                                                                                                      wife and my flock.
                                                                                                      ”Miraculous, inspiring, amazing, Israel!

                                                                                                      The author is the president of Ed-Ventures

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