Page 42 - Holyland Magazine - 2019 Edition
P. 42


    El Yahud

    The Castle of the Jews

By Reuven Doron                                     highway, has witnessed two separate and
Photos: Amir Aloni                                  major historic events unfolding across its harsh
                                                    terrain centuries apart. Historians estimate that
Deep in the Jordan Valley, northeast from           the young Hebrew nation emerging from its
        Jericho and not far from the Dead Sea,      40 years of wilderness journey was possibly
        the adventurous traveler can discover       numbering two to three million souls as they
        one of Israel’s hidden treasures.           approached the Jordan River from the east.
        Echoing both Old & New Testament            A massive and well-organized community
major events, with a touch of modern history,       moving slowly across the landscape under
a visit to Qasr El Yahud is like stepping into      the banners of its 12 tribes, the young nation
a mystic time capsule in a lush green oasis,        had a large and strong army ready for battle
surrounded by an arid wilderness. The ancient       as it neared the Promised Land. Following the
Arabic name, which means “The Castle of the         Ark of the Covenant that was carried on the
Jews,” hails back to events that took place         priests’ shoulders at the front of the column,
thousands of years ago; events that affected        this unstoppable mass of humanity reached the
and changed the world forever.                      Jordan River near Qasr El Yahud, ready to finally
                                                    claim God’s great promises to give them their
Emerging during recent years as a popular           own land.
Christian baptism site, Qasr El Yahud is
linked with the location and the event of           The crossing was divinely timed to take place
Jesus’ baptism by John (Matthew Chapter             during the spring of the year when the Jordan’s
3). Christian scholars and pilgrims have            flow of water was at its peak due to the
recognized the location since the 4th century       melting snow up north. This way, the miracle
AD, and a number of ancient monasteries             of the stopping of the River upstream, allowing
and churches built nearby celebrate the             the nation safe crossing, was dramatically
significance and wonder of that event,              displayed and recorded in Joshua 3:11-17.
marking the beginning of Jesus’ ministry and        As it is written: “… as those who bore the
His emergence into public life. Still, the site’s   ark came to the Jordan, and the feet of the
historic and religious significance goes further    priests who bore the ark dipped in the edge
back in time than Jesus’ first century baptism.     of the water (for the Jordan overflows all its
Jewish tradition recognizes that Qasr El Yahud      banks during the whole time of harvest), that
is also the general location of the epic crossing   the waters which came down from upstream
of the Jordan River by the Children of Israel into  stood still, and rose in a heap very far away at
the Promised Land nearly 15 centuries earlier,      Adam … Then the priests who bore the ark of
as they entered Canaan under the leadership         the covenant of the LORD stood firm on dry
of Joshua the Son of Nun (Joshua Chapter 3).        ground in the midst of the Jordan; and all Israel
                                                    crossed over on dry ground...”
Think about it, this remote and hard to find
oasis on the western banks of the Jordan
River, far from any modern major city or

42                                                                                                     A pilgrimage gathering water during a
                                                                                                       ceremony at the Jordan River
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