Page 21 - Holyland Magazine - 2019 Edition
P. 21
Children swimming in an oasis pool with
waterfall. Photo: Shutterstock
In the Hebrew language, Ein Gedi means “the A young ibex
spring of the kid goat,” and both biblical and
modern references confirm this narrow hidden
Kenyon as a popular habitation of young ibex.
Some of these beautiful creatures show up
upon the steep rocks high above the gorge as
hikers pass by, almost as if to show off before
retreating to their hiding places. Once, while
chasing David trying to eliminate his “threat” to
his frail ego and kingdom, King Saul entered a
cave that tradition locates in this area. David,
hidden in the depth of that very same cave, cut
off the corner of Saul’s robe in order to prove
ld of Ein Gedi
Spring of the baby goat
David chose this remote and rough Kenyon as - that he meant no harm to the obsessed King describes a river of living waters flowing from
his hiding place during those early and perilous (I-Sam 24:4). Jerusalem toward the eastern wilderness of
years, and learn to appreciate how this place the Dead Sea, healing and reviving the entire
left its own remarkable mark on David’s soul, Known not only for struggle and for danger, Ein region. The prophecy promises that as the flora
poetry and rugged faith for the rest of his life. Gedi also speaks of great beauty and a future and fauna are transformed and the Dead Sea
promise of many blessings. In His writings, King itself comes to life: “It shall be that fishermen will
Past, Present and Future Meet Solomon compared his mystic and beloved stand by it from Ein Gedi to Ein Eglaim; they will
bride to “a cluster of henna blossoms from the be places for spreading their nets. Their fish will
Looking deeply into inspired poetry, such as vineyards of Ein Gedi” (Song of Songs 1:14). be of the same kinds as the fish of the Great
the 23rd Psalm, the reader can easily recognize He was referring, no doubt, to the beauty and Sea, exceedingly many” (Ezekiel 47:10).
the rough terrain, the steep valley walls and fruitfulness of this desert Oasis, famous for its
the stream of cool water flowing through the exquisite perfume products. So did Josephus, The entire Dead Sea district will experience a
burning wilderness in between David’s famous the 1st century historian, who recorded his geological and ecological renewal, and the
words when he wrote: “The LORD is my admiration of Ein Gedi’s rich vegetation and days of Ein Gedi as an isolated wilderness
shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me to lie abundance of life. However, the best is left to oasis will come to their end when the whole
down in green pastures; He leads me beside the very end of time. land is swallowed up in the blessings of God’s
the still waters… Yea, though I walk through Kingdom.
the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no Ezekiel’s prophecy that speaks of a future
evil; for You are with me…” Messianic Kingdom of peace and prosperity The writer is Director of Ministerial Relations
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