Page 22 - Holyland Magazine - 2019 Edition
P. 22
Empowered21›s 2015 Global
Congress in Jerusalem
An invitation to Israel
Thousands of Christians to Gather in Jerusalem
By Dr. William M. Wilson the scenery is beautiful and biblical history that Jerusalem has to offer. Jerusalem2020
comes alive. When you bring all that together, is going to be significant and life-changing.
I’ve been to Israel over 20 times now, it’s an experience unlike any other place in
and every time I go, my visit is special. the world. You can’t duplicate a trip to Israel Spirit-empowered Christianity is the fastest-
I have had times of breathtaking peace and your life will never be the same once you growing religious movement in the world,
on Mount Carmel, deep communion on have seen the Holy Land. My life has been and Empowered21 is the largest relational
a boat out on the Sea of Galilee, new enriched and changed with every visit. network within that movement. The Spirit-
scriptural understanding at the traditional empowered stream of Christianity - that is,
place of Simon the Tanner’s house in Jaffa, As President of Oral Roberts University and Pentecostals and Charismatics - continues
and moment after moment of powerful host of the television show ‘World Impact to grow rapidly around the world, and now
blessing in Jerusalem. with Billy Wilson,’ I have produced numerous numbers over 680 million. Empowered21 is
television shows in Israel over the years that in an exciting position to serve that growth
The Garden Tomb is always such a special have shared with the world what it’s like to and encourage a new generation of young
place for us as Christians, and the Via visit this place. Yet, even great television men and women to discover God’s will for
Dolorosa is sobering as we reflect on the production can’t tell the whole story. You them in this generation.
suffering of Jesus in the streets of Jerusalem. have to physically be there to truly experience
Of course, it’s always a blessing to go to the the Holy Land. That’s why I couldn’t be more We have targeted the year 2033 as one of
Western Wall and experience the very holy excited about the upcoming Empowered21 monumental importance, the best date to
sacredness of that place, or to spend time Global Congress in 2020. commemorate the 2000-year anniversary
reflecting on Mount Zion or Mount Moriah of the foundational occurrence of the Day
while remembering God’s restoration of This Global Congress is going to be an of Pentecost, as recorded in the second
Jerusalem will someday be completed. amazing gathering as thousands of people, chapter of the New Testament book of Acts.
from all over the world, converge in the The Holy Spirit was poured out on the first
I enjoy visiting places all over the world, but capital of Israel from May 31 to June 3, 2020 Christians in Jerusalem during Shavuot. With
there is simply no place like Israel. There are to celebrate the power of the Holy Spirit, this in mind, Jerusalem2020 will challenge
many different factors that contribute to this bless the nation of Israel, and experience all the Spirit-empowered movement to unite
uniqueness. The hospitality is wonderful, the together globally for the years ahead.
environment is safe, the food is awesome,