Page 24 - Holyland Magazine - 2019 Edition
P. 24
Dr. Billy Wilson filming his Jerusalem2020 will seek to focus the
television show in Jerusalem. movement on what is happening in the
Photos: ORU Marketing world today, what is happening in Spirit-
empowered Christianity, and how together
24 we can serve hurting, broken people around
the world. Empowered21’s big vision is that
God’s presence and love will touch every
person on planet Earth before 2033 so that
the “knowledge of the glory of the Lord will
cover the earth as waters cover the sea.”
Jerusalem2020 will alsobeagianthomecoming
for people in the Spirit-empowered movement.
We expect every continent will be represented
with top-tier leaders from across the globe.
Christians in this movement love Israel and
pray for Jerusalem regularly, so it’s thrilling to
have the opportunity for people from nation
after nation to come together in unity and
prayer for Jerusalem, in Jerusalem.
We are very grateful for the nation of Israel
and its stand for religious freedom that will
allow us to celebrate Pentecost in the city of
Pentecost as Christian believers. We deeply
appreciate this privilege and pray God will
continue to keep Israel free and strong.
Four years ago, Empowered21’s Jerusalem
2015 Global Congress brought together one
of the largest gatherings of Christians in the
history of modern day Jerusalem, and we
are expecting Jerusalem2020 to be an even
larger gathering. Groups and individuals
can find out more information and register
at, with many groups
taking tours of Israel after the congress.
I was recently asked what I would say to
someone who has never been to Israel before,
and my response was both quick and simple:
“You must go!” Going to Israel, even for just a
few days, feels like the educational equivalent of
an entire semester of college. The Bible comes
alive before your very eyes. Add to that the
experience of joining thousands of other Spirit-
empowered Christians in worship, prayer,
and exhortation through Jerusalem2020, and
you’re looking at something truly life-changing.
You’ll have an encounter not just with scripture
and not just with history, but also with the heart
of God.
I look forward to seeing you at Jerusalem2020.
Your life will never be the same!
The author is President of Oral Roberts University
and Global Co-Chair of Empowered21