Page 29 - Holyland Magazine - 2019 Edition
P. 29

Jerusalem And Rome potter mural

Jerusalem and Rome Masada mural                 Jerusalem and Rome oil lamps                     IAA Gallery

Hebrew University excavations at Masada, the    tell stories from all facets of life in ancient  in 70 CE. This stone is the only artifact in the
famous desert fortress where Jewish zealots     Israel, from everyday life in the home, through  entire museum that guests are encouraged to
made their final stand against the Roman        administration and government, to worship        touch, allowing them to experience this piece
armies in 73 CE.                                and ritual practices. A short video features     of history up close.
                                                aerial views of many of the archaeological
Guests who attend the exhibition may            sites connected to the exhibit and describes     The People of the Land will be on exhibit at
participate in a special Gallery Talk that      the work done by the IAA and their new facility  Museum of the Bible until November 2027. The
explores the exhibition’s themes and artifacts  being built in Jerusalem.                        artifacts and content will be continually updated
in greater depth. Museum of the Bible is also                                                    and refreshed over that 10 year period.
hosting a series of special lectures about      The exhibition features over 700 artifacts from
Second Temple Judaism and the events and        the IAA collections, which represent over 70     These two exhibitions are just a small sample
impact of the Great Jewish Revolt.              years of excavations in the land of Israel.      of what Museum of the Bible has to offer. The
                                                                                                 mission of the museum is to invite all people
Jerusalem and Rome will be on display until     The most unique artifact in the exhibition,      to engage with the impact, narratives and
June 2, 2019.                                   and one of the most significant artifacts in     history of the Bible. This mission spans many
                                                Museum of the Bible, is a Herodian stone         time periods, cultures and locations around
The People of the Land                          from the Temple Mount. This stone, along         the globe. We invite you to come and explore
                                                with many others, was uncovered during           the museum and see some of the amazing
The People of the Land: History and             excavations along the southwest corner of        artifacts on display for yourself.
Archaeology of Ancient Israel, a long-term      the Temple Mount. It once stood towards the
exhibition curated by the IAA, explores the     top of the Temple Mount wall, but Roman          About Museum of the Bible
material culture of the many different peoples  soldiers pushed it over the edge when they
that have called the land of Israel their own,  destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple Mount         Museum of the Bible is an innovative, global,
from the Canaanite period through the Second                                                     educational institution with a purpose to invite
Temple period ending in 70 CE. The artifacts                                                     all people to engage with the Bible.

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