Page 25 - Holyland Magazine - 2019 Edition
P. 25


Israeli cuisine can be described as a melting pot or a fusion of other neighboring flavors. From Iranian, to
    Lebanese, and European flavors too, Israeli food will have you satisfied. Here are 8 tastes you’ll find in Israel
    that you should say yes to whether you’re in the market, on the street, or in a restaurant. After all, Israel is
    nicknamed the land of milk and honey.
BOUREKAS – Like Italy’s calzone, Spain’s    meal, Israeli salad is a burst of all the     oozing-chocolate filled pastry that will
empanada, and India’s samosa, Turkish       best flavors. The recipe contains finely      melt in your mouth.
Bourekas are nothing short of perfection.   chopped and always fresh cucumbers,
In Israel, Bourekas can be potato, cheese,  tomatoes, parsley, cilantro and drizzled      SAMBUSAK – You can find Sambusak in
ground beef or spinach stuffed triangles    with lemon juice and olive oil. The dish      every corner of the world, from India,
of filo-dough topped with oil and toasted   adds color to any meal you’re eating and      Ethiopia, to Portugal and even Israel
sesame seeds. They’re commonly served       you can find it anywhere you go.              too. Its cousin is the Bourekas but
during breakfast, Sabbath meals or can                                                    made differently. In Israel its traditionally
be picked up at a street cart. Head over    KHACHAPURI – Khachapuri is a traditional      made with mashed chickpeas, onions
to Leon and Sons for a taste of this flaky  Georgian dish well-known in Israel.           and tantalizing spices, all wrapped in a
treat in Jaffa.                             It’s quite simple with eggs and cheese        triangular dough pocket. For an Indian-
                                            combined in an eye-shaped dough. Once         styled Sambusak, visit Tandoor in Tel Aviv.
FRESH JUICE – From the rich taste of        combined, the Khachapuri is baked until
pomegranates to citrusy infused oranges,    golden, cheese oozing and the egg             SHAKSHUKA – Shakshuka is traditionally
Israel prides itself on fresh made juices.  cooked through with a rich interior ideal     served in the pan it’s cooked in with the
No matter where you go in Israel, you’ll    for dipping pieces of the outer crust. Try    eggs cracked into tomato sauce. The
want to stop and pick up a cold juice       this dish at Hachapuria in the Mahane         best part is when you swipe your bread
– especially on a sunny day. Tamara in      Yehuda Market in Jerusalem.                   across the pan to pick up the runny-egg-
Tel Aviv is one of the many popular juice                                                 drenched sauce. Try Dr. Shakshuka in Tel
stands in the city.                         SABICH - Sabich is a pita stuffed with        Aviv-Yafo for this delicious dish.
ISRAELI SALAD – What may be the             main ingredient - crispy-fried eggplant,
greatest dish on every table and at every   and joined by a hard-boiled egg, creamy
                                            hummus and tahini, Israeli salad, and
                                            pickles. Is your mouth watering yet? The
                                            sandwich was created from Israel’s very
                                            own Iraqi Jewish community and is often
                                            a street food favorite amongst locals
                                            today. If you’re in Tel Aviv, go to Sabich
                                            Frishman for a real taste.

                                            RUGELACH – Rugelach is a Jewish pastry,
                                            often resembling a croissant but better.
                                            The Rugelach you’ll find in Israel is often
                                            made with chocolate, cinnamon, raisins,
                                            walnuts, or fruits. Visit Marzipan Bakery in
                                            Jerusalem and take a bite or two of this
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