Page 28 - Holyland Magazine - 2019 Edition
P. 28
Ancient Artifacts
Bring the Stories
of the Bible to Life
Discovering the Museum of the Bible’s
archaeological exhibitions
By Susan Masten
It’s been just over one year since Museum of the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA). These into a significant period in Near Eastern and
the Bible first opened its doors to the public. two exhibitions are not just significant for the Western history.
Much has happened in that one year, collections on display; they also represent a
including visits from over one million guests, unique approach to curation and exhibition This exciting exhibition explores different
several scholarly lectures and events, and design. It is not common for a museum to ways in which Roman and Jewish cultures
the creation and opening of several temporary give complete curatorial control to an outside intersected and interacted. Featured artifacts
exhibitions. These exhibitions engage guests institution and to allow them full authority over include oil lamps decorated with different
with the Bible from a variety of perspectives, the exhibition narrative and content. The Bible motifs and designs, everyday pottery produced
including archaeology. Experiencing the is significant to so many groups around the locally that stands in contrast to examples
material culture of the biblical world brings it world, and Museum of the Bible wants those of fine imported pottery, and beautiful glass
to life in a completely new way. Hearing the voices to be seen and heard in its displays. vessels that represent the finest craftsmanship
stories and seeing the artifacts people left and economic exchange of the period. These
behind help establish a personal connection As the curator of antiquities, I helped oversee artifacts, combined with wonderful murals
with the past. the development and installation of these two created by Balage Balogh, bring the culture
wonderful exhibitions. Museum of the Bible and time to life.
Museum of the Bible was very fortunate to is very grateful to these institutions for their
work with esteemed archaeological institutions willingness to collaborate and bring together The interaction between Roman and Jewish
in Israel to curate two wonderful archaeological these two amazing exhibits to the United States. cultures was front and center during the
exhibitions: Jerusalem and Rome: Cultures tumultuous first century CE. Tensions continued
in Context in the First Century CE from the Jerusalem and Rome to mount throughout the first century until the
Institute of Archaeology at the Hebrew University Jewish people reached a breaking point in
of Jerusalem, and The People of the Land: Jerusalem and Rome: Cultures in Context 66 CE, when a great revolt erupted in Judea.
History and Archaeology of Ancient Israel from in the First Century CE, provides a window The exhibition features many artifacts from the